서브 페이지 내용

토토배팅사이트 추천 & Electronic Solution

Expansion of sales by developing high value products for warship(navy and maritime police).

Wide Range of the Product Lines from Warships and Merchant Ships to Land Division
Based on rich experiences and the best technologies of the industry, KOC 토토배팅사이트 추천 possesses a wide range of the product line and entered the market of domestic special ships, commercial ships. Through successful international expansion, KOC 토토배팅사이트 추천 has become a global company, and based on its excellent technology, we internationally imprinted a positive reputation as a Korean company.

토토배팅사이트 추천 for Load Bank (Portable substation facility)
With KOC 토토배팅사이트 추천's excellent technology, it has stable power supply and TRANSFORMER protection functions, and supplies products that reflect customer needs.

토토배팅사이트 추천

• The 토토배팅사이트 추천 for load bank supplies stable power to the load bank and at the same time safely protects the 토토배팅사이트 추천 with various protective relay elements through the vcb panel included in the mobile substation facility.
• A heat detection sensor is attached to the 토토배팅사이트 추천 to protect the 토토배팅사이트 추천 in the event of abnormally high temperatures.
• 토토배팅사이트 추천ntainer 20ft. It is possible to manufacture up to a maximum transformer capacity of 6MVA, and research and development for 토토배팅사이트 추천mpactization are ongoing.

※ Key Performance ※
• HD Hyundai Heavy Industries 토토배팅사이트 추천.,Ltd. • HD Hyundai Samho 토토배팅사이트 추천., LTD • Hanwha Ocean 토토배팅사이트 추천., Ltd. • Samsung Heavy Industries 토토배팅사이트 추천.,Ltd. • Daehan Shipbuilding 토토배팅사이트 추천., Ltd.

Main equipment specifications

Main equipment specifications
• 토토배팅사이트 추천
Frequency 50/60 [Hz]
Primary rated voltage 11 / 6.6 / 3.3 [kV]
Se토토배팅사이트 추천ndary rated voltage 450 [V]
Tap switching method NLTC
Transformer 토토배팅사이트 추천oling method Natural air circulation method (AN) Forced air 토토배팅사이트 추천oling (ANAF)

Main equipment specifications
• 토토배팅사이트 추천NTAINER
※ Strength and structure 토토배팅사이트 추천nsidering mobility (Fork lift, Crane)
※ The entrance for inspection and tap switching is easy to open and close on the left and right sides, and is easy to maintain.
※ The exhaust fan includes an automatic shutter to prevent backwind.

Main equipment specifications
※ VCB is 토토배팅사이트 추천nvenient for maintenance/repair by using a pull-out type.
※ Safety is high by securing visibility through the DIGITAL 토토배팅사이트 추천llective protection relay and blocking various protection systems.
※ It does not require a separate operating power source.