서브 페이지 내용

Cast Resin Transformer

Supply specialized products and solutions with transformers for ships that require high reliability and quality.

Possession of Original Technologies and References of Cast Resin Transformer
With the company’s extensive 토토배팅사이트 추천experiences and industry-leading technologies, KOC Electric is a global company that possesses original technology and references of cast resin transformer for domestic and overseas construction, ships, and renewable energy. Also, we are producing steady results in future eco-friendly power transformers for wind power generation and energy storage systems.


KOC Electric manufactures cast resin transformers 토토배팅사이트 추천for land division below 36kV, 20MVA, and the product has been supplied to mixed-use housing, apartment, office facilities, education/research facilities, etc.

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Main Products

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Distribution Transformer

Mixed-use housing, Apartment, Metro, etc
- High Efficiency Low Noise Transformer(standard consumption efficiency)
합법적인 스포츠 웹사이트- General Transformer(minimum consumption efficiency)

ESS, Photovoltaic, Wind Power Generator Transformer

- High Efficiency Step-up Transformer

Special Transformer

- Large Capacity, Rectifier Transformer
- Seismic Transformer(cope with magnitude 9.0/intensity 12)
- 3 Winding, Phase Shift Transformer